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Report on


Kozlov's 1899-1901 expedition to Mongolia and Tibet


Bianchi [Bianki], V. (1907): Materialy dlya avifauny Mongolii i vostochago Tibeta. In: Kozlov, P.K.: Mongolia i Kam. Trudy Ekspeditsii Imperatorskago Russkago Geograpficheskago Obschchestva, sovershennoj v 1899-1901 gg. Sankt-Peterburg. Tom 5. (Materials on the avifauna of Mongolia and eastern Tibet. In: Kozlov, P.K., Mongolia and Kham. Proceedings of the 1899-1901 Expedition of the Imperial Russian Geographical Association, Saint Petersburg, Vol. 5 (in Russian))


(APUSlist 3138)






V. Bianki compiled an avifauna of Mongolian and Tibetan species from P.K. Kozlov’s collections and field diary notes, which he had used on his expedition to these countries in 1899-1901.


Cypselus apus pekinensis Swinh.


Two females adult collected on 3rd June1901, in the Khatu canyon, on the north-west slopes of the Burkhan-Budda mountain range, in the basin of the Yellow River. This subspecies is somewhat different from C. apus with a paler upper side, the paleness appearing mainly on the tail and especially on the head.


Kozlov's diary does not hold any information on this subspecies.


© APUSlife 2006, No. 3139 
ISSN 1438-2261